Bring Back Our Hummer, ISIS Mocks Obamas' 'Hashtag Diplomacy'
The ISIS forces fighting for the cause of an Islamic aliphate in Iraq and Syria are being demonised by western mainstream media but reports say people living in the occupied areas of iraq are quite comfortable with the new rulers, and the mocking by ISIS of Barack and Michelle Obama's hashtag diplomacy shows they have a sense of humour.
Liberal Thinker Noam Chomsky Says Obama Is Abolishing Civil Liberties. WTF Is Going On In America?
WTF is going on in America? Obama's most enthusiastic and highest profile supporers are deserting him in droves as the President drives his aministration faster and faster towards fascism. A planned executive order to shut down coal and oil fuelled power stations will dive electricity and food prices up and force millions into poverty. The nation isd hopelessly divided. And Obama's answer: more surveillance, more strong arm tactics from the authorities. Well some of us did warn you in 2008 of what was to come
American Military Out Of Control – Now Threaten Chinese
It’s been surreal watching the news develop the past few months, watching the crass bravado of the US military arm reaching around the globe, not just in their ongoing savage wars and in undermining Syria and the Ukraine, but now including advances on Africa and Venezuela. And now threatening China? Insane doesn’t fully describe it.
Black Hat Biotech
America’s Surge Toward Oligarchy
With the rapid concentration of wealth in a few well-manicured hands and the right-wing U.S. Supreme Court declaring money to be speech, the American surge toward oligarchy has gained what looks like an unstoppable momentum. Is America an oligarchy? Thanks to a new study from Martin Gilens of Princeton University and Benjamin I. Page of Northwestern University, social media, Op-Ed pages and the blatheri are all atwitter at the implication that American democracy is a sham. In Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, Gilens and Page used a data-set of 1,779 policy issues from ...
more America posts
Britain has tried to block release of US 'torture files'
Britain has tried to block the release of US ‘torture files’ that could prove how the Blair Government was complicit in the capture and ill-treatment of dozens of terror suspects, it was claimed last night.
US Senators are within weeks of publishing a top-secret report on America’s torture and rendition programme carried out in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. The 6,300 files will expose the horror of the CIA’s waterboarding and other tortures and could also reveal the extent of British co-operation in the programme.’
Russia Responds To America's Latest Threat
Ever belligerently opportunistic, the empire builders of the United States government have been encouraged by protests in Ukraine against the government's decision to maintain a healthy distance from the US - EU cartel and cosy up to Russia. The US government was too quick to reveal plans to install a missile defence system in former Soviet states now part of the EU and drew a predictable response from Moscow.
Russia Responds To America's Latest Threat
Ever belligerently opportunistic, the empire builders of the United States government have been encouraged by protests in Ukraine against the government's decision to maintain a healthy distance from the US - EU cartel and cosy up to Russia. The US government was too quick to reveal plans to install a missile defence system in former Soviet states now part of the EU and drew a predictable response from Moscow.
Obama’s Secret Treaty Which Will Commit America To The Emerging One World Economic System.
Few Americans have heard of the Trans Pacific Partnership which is strange as it will transfer the sovereign powers of the US Congress and Supreme Court to an unelected supra - national bureaucracy. Yes the rent - boy President barack Hussein Obama is about to betray his country. And he is desperately trying to keep the consequences of his ilegal negotiations secret
Cutting Food Stamps for Over 45 Million Americans: The Ruthlessness of the American Ruling Class
The USA's Obama Administration (remember him, Mr. Hope'n'change) has cut the food stamps allocation that supports many millions of America's poorest people. In five years of a disastrously failed Pesidency Obama has alread engineered America's fall from Superpower status. Now the seems to be set on turning it into Ethiopia.
Obama Sell Out American Dream: Transatlantic trade deal is an assault on democracy says left wing libertarian
Sneaking a transatlantic trade deal through with Obama, by - passing the elected parliament and British law is just about David Cameron's style. But this latest exercise in dismantling democracy could have far reaching consequences for all of us, for example it will give global corporations the power to change British law
How Saddam Hussein May Yet Win The War
OK I know that title sounds strange, Saddam was executed for war crimes long ago, even so the ultimate victory in his war against U.S. Dominance in the middle east, but stick with me and you will see what I mean.
Outbreak Of Democracy In The US Senate
I usually write my own stuff, either off the top of my head or by putting my own perspective to a topical news story. For once however I think it is appropriate to bring you this, seen on Pakalert. It...
Obama Will Sign U.N. Firearms Treaty After It Was Rejected by Senate
Once again The Emperor Obama has ignored Amerca's democratically elected congress and done what he wanted to in spite of the measure having been voted down.
When Lefties Tell You They Are Liberals Look For The Nazi In The Closet
The left have always been quick to shout Nazi whenever a conservative or libertarian was getting the better of the argument. but socialism is the parent of fascism and the authoritarianism of modern liberals and 'proressives'is far closer to the politics of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung than either Benjamin Disraeli or Margaret Thatcher ever were.
So Why Is Nobody Happy
Americans love to tell us they are the greatest country on the planet, American exceptionalism places them above other nations, theirs is the most powerful economy, the mightiest military (yet in ten years they cannot defeat a bunch of beared ragheads with AK47s and IEDs), they have the most advanced technology and the highest living standards. So why
American Sociologists Mystified By Drop In Crime Rate.
American sociologists might be mystified by a drop in the crime rate but The Daily Stirrer knows exactly what is going on.
Barack Hussein Obama's Cairo Promise To Islamic Jihadists
So whose side is allegedly Muslim Barack Obama on in the cultural conflict between Islam and secular Christianity? Not yours unless you pray to Mecca.
Obama's Democrats: The Creatures That Feed From The Bottom Feeders Bottoms
The Second Coming Of Barack Obama, The Obamessiah.
When Obama Starts Telling People America Is Not A Deadbeat Nation Americans Should Be Worried
Connecticut School Massacre;Guns Don't Kill People, The Person Who Squeezes The Trigger Does.
Aristotle, Obama and the death of Mainstream Media
First He Kissed The King's Ring, Now He Insults Every Hindu and Buddhist, What Next? Publicly Fisting Vladimir Putin?
Rubio Gets Slagged, Obama Gets Eulogised. Yet They Said The Same Thing
To Restore Democracy We Need To Bring Back Poverty
Fans of ubernerd and lying piece of shit Nate Silver are again claiming the Matrhematics worshipping wannabe cult leader predicted the outcome of the US election with uncanny accuracy. Again they are lying as Silver himself lies about his predictions. Yes he called the result, a win for Obama, accurately in 2008 and again in 2012 but calling the result in a ...
Back in 2008 many things were said of Barack Obama, that he was an intellectual, a deep thinker, that he could walk on water, feed the lame, heal the poor and maketh the blind to walk, that he was a conciliator and a unifyer. None of these things turned out to be true. The most untrue thing said about him however was that he had
The Man Who Is The Mostest In Love With Obama
The American media is nothing if not biased. British media may lean so far to the left it looks almost ready to capsize but the American mainstream media in its efforts to deify Barack Obama turned turtle long ago. And there is no American current affairs commentator with his or her tongue quite so far up Obama's arse as Chris Matthews.Never heard of him? Matthews is the guy who back in 2008
The final televised debate of the US Presidential election.
The Folly of World View Theorists From The Left And Right
World view theorists abound on the right and left of the political spectrum. Neo - con Free Market Freaks butt heads against big government collectivists as they compete to offer the most authoritarian and unworkable solutions to the world's ongoing crisis. The one element they always factor out of their calciulations however, human nature, is always the one that sneaks up and bites their arses.
US Debt Downgraded
American Debt Talks Collapse
"I'se de President an' dem whitey all goan do what I say." Barack Hussein Obama stormed before walking out of a meeting with Republican congressional leaders on deficit reduction, telling them "enough was enough". (Well he didn't actually say those words, but close)
"I'se de President an' dem whitey all goan do what I say." Barack Hussein Obama stormed before walking out of a meeting with Republican congressional leaders on deficit reduction, telling them "enough was enough". (Well he didn't actually say those words, but close)
I has to be said the Obama's ghetto black act is still in need of a lot of work, being more Stepin Fechit than Richard Pryor but as an example of politics by throwing toys out of the pram it was ...more in Politics
The Roots Of The American Economic Crisis
Another shining example of the hypocrisy and duplicity of the Obama administration in the USA and left wing elitists everywhere. It's OK for them to dodge their taxes but not for anybody else.
As The Obamessiah, Barack Hussein Obama, is inaugurated as President of the USA and those Americans who have accorded the first African American President semi - divine status prepare to go crazy, The Daily Stirrer takes a sceptical look at Obama's achievements, failures, ambitions and delusions.
We would expect national leaders to be upbeat and optimistic about the state of the nation they lead. So when 'Mr Soaring Rhetoric', Barack Hussein Obama can only summon up enough optimism to say Ametica is not deadbeat things must be in a bad way over the pond.
As America reels from the shock of another mass murder in which a former pupil armed with assault weapons returned to his old school and randomly killed pupils and teachers, the 'left' predicably tries to make political capital out of the tradgedy by calling for a ban on guns. But banning guns would solve nothing, the problem is the e[pidemic of metal illness ravaging developed societies.
The murder of four American's by Islamic Jihadists at Benghazi the inaction of the Obama administration during the attack and the lies put out by The White House in the aftermath should have triggered a scandal a million times bigger than Watergate. So why have mainstream news organizations hardly touched it. ...
The Daily Stirrer has always maintained that Barack Hussein Obama is a cupid stunt of the first order. This diplomatic dickhead can't set foot outside The (China) White House it seems without pissing off America's allies Remember when he bent almost double to kiss king Abdullah's ring. Did he not know that all homosexual acts, especially rim jobs, are ...
Until this week the name Marco Rubio was unknown to most of us The reason many people outside the USA are talking about Marco Rubio now is that when he was ambushed by an Obama supporting journalist asked Rubio how old he thought the earth is. Marco Rubio is a Christian and a Republican and so was probably expected to say that it was a historical fact that the earth was created just over 6000 years ago.
Tonight's third and final presidential debate will focus entirely on international politics and foreign policy. Expect Benghazi to be one of the major issues, a subject on which, for the first time in nearly a month, the Obama administration will have the upper hand.
by John de Roe
News that ratings asgency Standard and Poors had downgraded America's credit rating because of presistent budget and sovereign debt promlems came as a shock to finance markets but not to the wise old heads of The Daily Stirrer.
The Daily Stirrer is not a racist website but neither do we practice reverse racism, trying to show we are not racist by elevating other races above our own. Therefore we can be objective. We have always said Barack Obama was an idiot, and economic illiterate and a ...
John de Roe analyses the American economic crisis, the credit crunch and the collapse of the sub prime mortgage markey and looks at how the American government's efforts to solve the crisis and avoid a recession may affect the global economy ...